Do have a frequent need to urinate? When that sensation comes on, is there a certain urgency to find relief? Though you might just think it is a genetic cross you have to bear, the truth is that you might have a certain pelvic disorder that is causing you to suffer: pelvic floor dysfunction. While they might all be classified as pelvic floor dysfunction, there are a variety of different disorders that might cause you to suffer from this condition. So, if you have pelvic pain dysfunction of any kind, here are some common issues that you might need to look out for.
What Is Pelvic Floor Dysfunction?
Especially common among women, pelvic floor dysfunction is a special type of pelvic pain dysfunction that refers to a range of symptoms resulting from a deficiency in muscles around the pelvic floor. These muscles might be too weak, too tight, or there may be an issue around the sacroiliac joint, lower back, coccyx, or hip joints. Regardless of what the specific cause might be, this can result in a variety of issues. To get properly treated, you want to make sure you know what you are up against so you can attack it in the right way.
Though there are a great many symptoms that might suggest this type of pelvic pain dysfunction, some you might consider include: sitting pain, pain during/after sex, dysuria, sleep disturbances, genital or groin pain, discomfort or relief after a bowel movement, and more.
Have You Asked About Prostatitis?
If you are a male and suffer from similar symptoms, it might actually be that you suffer from prostatitis. This condition can actually be bacterial, but more often than not it is actually a chronic condition. It shares many of the same symptoms as pelvic floor dysfunction and can lead to pain during urination, frequent need to urinate, dysuria, and more. Unless you are diagnosed by a qualified urologist, you might want to get a second opinion with this diagnosis, as sometimes men who are diagnosed in this way actually end up having another one of the pelvic pain dysfunction disorders.
You Might Have Interstitial Cystitis
Another disorder that often goes misdiagnosed or untreated among the population is interstitial cystitis, or IC. 90% of the time, this disorder is found in women and it is estimated that as many as 4,000,000 suffer from this pain. Naturally, it includes many of the same symptoms. Like prostatitis, it is not uncommon for doctors to falsely diagnose this with other types of pelvic floor dysfunction.
Other Pelvic Pain Dysfunction Problems
These are just a few of the different pelvic problems you might be suffering from and there are certainly other issues you might be suffering from. If you suffer from any sort of pelvic pain dysfunction, it is essential that you seek the help you need. Remember, having these symptoms is not something you have to suffer from, so before you accept the inevitable, seek out the attention you need.